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Your Own Journey Awaits

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July 10, 2024

It’s now been three years since that summer. I remember the process of learning to walk again, the small triumph of making it to the end of the driveway, trips down to the barn and the victory of summiting the hill to the top of my neighbors driveway.

I was deeply inspired by the changes I saw in my own life. I felt empowered by my own choices, the ways I was able to heal and learn. I realized I wanted to share this with more people because I want the same for others. I made the decision to devote my time, energy and resources to learning more about the process I had been through and how to work with people. I spent over a year and a half training with Brian and his partner Ani.

What I remember most is the feeling of change in my life and the perspective on the patterns that were what I would call “normal“. At the end of my conversation I describe this feeling, like taking off a pair of tinted glasses. There is a newness, a freshness, a vibrancy that came with each shift and change. This remains something sacred to me about that time when my body forced me to stay in bed, and I took the time to look inward. As I began to move and look outward again, I could tell the world would never look the same.

And yet the world was the same. The same pressure exists, the same stress and unknowns continue. As I learned to walk and move, I also learned that I would never see the world in the same way.

Here’s a story from the farm this spring, which demonstrates some of the changes I continue to experience. 

It was Friday at the end of May. Racey and I had come up with a few ideas on how we wanted to incorporate what we were learning about our nervous systems into our daily work routine and our team. It is an inspirational foundation for me in my life and I wanted to share that with everyone who works in our business.  

Starting in the spring I hosted what a six-year-old Lovett calls wiggling and shaking and we formally call core centering. This involves movement and breath work with everyone on the farm practicing together, bringing some awareness to our body and balancing our nervous system. We do this twice a week on Monday mornings and Friday mornings at 9 AM.

This particular Friday morning, Racey and I were preparing for my departure on Sunday to teach with Brian and Ani at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Wellness. The farm was also in full swing and chicken processing had begun the week prior. When I got up that morning, a little after sunrise and went to the bathroom, I flushed the toilet and noticed that the toilet did not refill as I would expect.

After some early-morning investigation, I determined that our house and the farm had no water. By 7 AM I had diagnosed a malfunctioning well pump and had begun to roll out a temporary waterline to bring water from our neighbors to pressurize the farm water system as a temporary backup.

Sophie, who is in charge of animal chores every day, stopped me as I was running through the barn to ask if we were still going to do core centering at 9 AM. Sophie is a dancer and she has never been shy to share her appreciation and gratitude for our twice weekly movement routine. In my hurry, I turned to her and shook my head no. 

Of course she would understand with the well pump broken and the need to fix the well pump in time to leave for my trip…

I remember feeling a little twinge in my lower back, like a whisper. Then I stopped. I turned back and said to Sophie “wait a minute, of course we’re doing core centering this morning. The pump is broken. The farm is out of water and I need to fix the well before the end of the day… Of course we’re doing core centering right now.”

So I took my boots off. We all gathered in the shade and spent a little time, intentionally balancing our nervous systems together.

I was reminded of something the Dalai Lama said: "I meditate every day for one hour, but on the really busy days I meditate for three.”

This is my transformation…


An Invitation

I would like to invite you to experience the journey of change for yourself. Ever since that summer I have felt moved to share my experience and processes with people who are stressed, challenged, overwhelmed and want to experience the world with clarity, openness, and curiosity.

Along with my mentor and teacher Brian and my wife Racey, we are honored and excited to be hosting a transformational small group retreat right here on our beautiful farm. This has been a vision for some time

We are looking for people who are open and ready to feel categorically better in their lives; people who want to see and be in the world in a more positive, compassionate, and empowered way.

We do not have a fancy online registration, instead we want to hear directly from you. To register, send us an email (info@reberrockfarm.com) and we will send you deposit information. Or you can call Nathan directly to ask any questions or to register 518-573-8713, I love talking about this stuff. 

To learn more about timing, day schedules and what to expect check out our retreat webpage.

Chronic Pain

More from the blog

Part 1: Why Did I Wait So Long?

You might be wondering: how do I know if this retreat is a good fit for me? What kind of things will I learn? To answer these questions I will be sharing my own story of chronic pain and how I found a new perspective on my own body, my health, my family, my business and my relationships.