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Rewilding Your Spirit - Rewiring Your Mind - Renewing Your Body

posted on

September 13, 2024


A retreat at Reber Rock Farm

Dates: September 13-15, 2024

Location: Reber Rock Farm in Essex, NY

Did you know that your chronic pain and stress are keeping secrets?

Ancient wisdom teaches us that our bodies tell us the stories that our minds don’t want us to hear, and when we aren’t willing to listen our stress and pain grows. What if we knew how to decode what our bodies were telling us, and let go of the pain for good?

Click here to read or listen to our conversations about Nathan's own journey.

Join Nathan Henderson of Reber Rock Farm and Brian Trzaskos of the Somatic Coaching Academy


Join us on a journey from stress, pain, and over-obligation to ease and fulfillment in this lighthearted and liberating 3-day retreat at the beautiful Reber Rock Farm.

Whether you are dealing with stress and pain and wanting to make a transformation in your life or intensely curious about the body-mind connections that result in pain and disease, this on-farm retreat will leave you feeling more relaxed, engaged, motivated, creative and empowered in your own life.

We will spend 3-days together

  • Exploring body-mind connections in real time so that you can get the important answers you need about your own health and wellbeing
  • Practicing ancient body-mind healing methods so that you have tools to strengthen your own body, emotions, and mind
  • Wandering purposefully through nature so that you can reconnect with that lost part of yourself which is longing to be remembered and expressed

Together we will journey past the pain and stress responses that shape so much of our lives into a world of deeper, inner understanding to heal the source of what ails us.

Retreat Schedule


5:30 pm Arrive and Settle-In

6:00 Dinner

7:00  Session 1: Aspirin for the Mind
In this kick-off session we will set intentions, explore the enlightened physiology of stress, and experience ancient somatic practices for quickly relieving pain and distress.


    8:00 Breakfast

    9:00 Session 2: Down the Rabbit Hole
    In this session, we go deeper into experiencing somatic practices to learn what your stress and pain is hiding.

    10:45 Session 3: Into the Wild
    In this session, we will walk into nature with a question and come back with answers revealing the unconscious reason for our stress and pain.

    12:15 Lunch

    2:00 Session 4: The Nature of Your True Nature
    In this session, we will learn to experience the wisdom of Natural Law as exemplified by nature itself and integrate those lessons into aligning with our own true purpose.

    3:45 Session 5: Legends of the Fall
    In this session, we will experience together the alchemy of transformation through letting go of that which we have revealed and no longer serves our highest purpose.

    5:30 Dinner

    9:00 Star Gazing !


      9:00 Session 6: Chop Wood, Carry Water
      In this session, you will learn how to integrate new-found wisdom into living practice as you prepare to return to your life as a changed person.

      11:30 Brunch

        The Retreat Also Includes:

        • 3 days of access to Reber Rock Farm fields, forests, and animals
        • Hyper-local Farm to Table organic meals, vegetarian options available:
          • Dinner on Friday and Saturday nights
          • Breakfast and lunch on Saturday
          • Brunch on Sunday
        • Branded coveralls
        • Core centering practice video
        • Personalized follow-up integration session

        We offer a range of lodging options to fit your needs. Room or shared room in a local AirBNB, on-farm cabin, on-farm camping.


        Brian Trzaskos, PT, LMT, CSCS, CMP, MI-C

        Brian is the co creator of Sensation-Based Motivation, a somatic, trauma-sensitive coaching methodology. As a practicing physical therapist and student of Eastern movement, meditation, and energy medicine practices for nearly three decades, he holds advanced certifications in both Western and Eastern healing arts. Brian has led programs at the world renowned Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health, the Omega Institute, and across North America. He is the president of NEW Health Inc. and director of education at the Somatic Coaching Academy where he trains
        coaches and wellness professionals to use research supported somatic practices, tools, and coaching skills. Learn more about this presenter’s work at somaticcoachingacademy.com

        Nathan Henderson 

        Nathan is the co-owner of Reber Rock Farm, a pasture raised certified organic meat and maple farm in Essex, NY established in 2013. He is a geologist, musician, business owner, farmer, father and partner. Teaching has been a subconscious thread throughout Nathan’s life, as a tennis pro, outdoor educator and farm mentor, and became a conscious choice after a herniated disk left him immobilized in bed for 3 months in 2021. Since it was Covid, he had to schedule elective pain management surgery 6 months out, and he looked for another solution to his pain. Narcotics and edibles didn’t touch the pain effectively, and through work with Brian Trzaskos and the Somatic Coaching Academy Nathan began to untangle the relationship between body, pain and perception. Long before the surgery date he was on the path to recovery and remains pain free today. This experience inspired him to become a life coach, and he launched his one-on-one coaching and group classes in January 2024.


        Registration fee is $897. Reach out to register – limited spots available. 


        More from the blog

        Part 1: Why Did I Wait So Long?

        You might be wondering: how do I know if this retreat is a good fit for me? What kind of things will I learn? To answer these questions I will be sharing my own story of chronic pain and how I found a new perspective on my own body, my health, my family, my business and my relationships.

        Part 3: So, What Do I Do About It?

        Last week our story ended with Nathan in bed, he could not walk, and through somatic practices and looking inward he found insight into patterns of his physiology and beliefs he held. So, now what do I do about it? Nathan asked. Join Nathan and Brian in their next conversation as they explore what happened next and what there was to do.