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Tangleroot Farm CSA Friday [Members ONLY]

Essex and Wilsboro Available to CSA members ONLY, Wilsboro, NY 12996 (Get directions)
Delivery with your CSA Share

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Tangleroot Farm CSA Friday [Members ONLY]

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Ordering Starts Ordering Ends Pickup Date
There are currently no dates for this location.

Delivery Details:

  • Your order will be delivered with your Tangleroot CSA share in our recyclable insulated packaging so your order will stay frozen all day. 
  • We love to reuse and recycle, so consider leaving out your insulated packaging the next week and Tangleroot will bring back the box so we can reuse it. With care we can reuse these boxes many times.
  • To cover our costs we have an order minimum of $90 and always FREE Delivery for all Tangleroot CSA members.
  • Once CSA season is over, select Home Delivery for continued delivery every week.